Distributed Bragg Reflectors

class picwriter.components.DBR(wgt, length, period, dc, w_phc, taper_length=20.0, fins=False, fin_size=(0.2, 0.05), dbr_wgt=None, port=(0, 0), direction=u'EAST')

Distributed Bragg Reflector Cell class. Tapers the input waveguide to a periodic waveguide structure with varying width (1-D photonic crystal).

  • wgt (WaveguideTemplate): WaveguideTemplate object
  • length (float): Length of the DBR region.
  • period (float): Period of the repeated unit.
  • dc (float): Duty cycle of the repeated unit (must be a float between 0 and 1.0).
  • w_phc (float): Width of the thin section of the waveguide. w_phc = 0 corresponds to disconnected periodic blocks.
Keyword Args:
  • taper_length (float): Length of the taper between the input/output waveguide and the DBR region. Defaults to 20.0.
  • fins (boolean): If True, adds fins to the input/output waveguides. In this case a different template for the component must be specified. This feature is useful when performing electron-beam lithography and using different beam currents for fine features (helps to reduce stitching errors). Defaults to False
  • fin_size ((x,y) Tuple): Specifies the x- and y-size of the fins. Defaults to 200 nm x 50 nm
  • dbr_wgt (WaveguideTemplate): If fins above is True, a WaveguideTemplate (dbr_wgt) must be specified. This defines the layertype / datatype of the DBR (which will be separate from the input/output waveguides). Defaults to None
  • port (tuple): Cartesian coordinate of the input port. Defaults to (0,0).
  • direction (string): Direction that the component will point towards, can be of type ‘NORTH’, ‘WEST’, ‘SOUTH’, ‘EAST’, OR an angle (float, in radians)
  • portlist (dict): Dictionary with the relevant port information
Portlist format:
  • portlist[‘input’] = {‘port’: (x1,y1), ‘direction’: ‘dir1’}
  • portlist[‘output’] = {‘port’: (x2, y2), ‘direction’: ‘dir2’}

Where in the above (x1,y1) is the same as the ‘port’ input, (x2, y2) is the end of the DBR, and ‘dir1’, ‘dir2’ are of type ‘NORTH’, ‘WEST’, ‘SOUTH’, ‘EAST’, or an angle in radians. ‘Direction’ points towards the waveguide that will connect to it.
